Start at Youtube and find a topic (lots of fortnite and music related stuff, so metal music was chosen)
Playlists and music videos come up mainly with this search, no user input when it comes to the content
Lots of dark imagery and user bias, but there also seems to be more of a personal connection with the type of music when compared to youtube. Overall has personal and dark themes via pictures/gifs
Much more personal and opinionated content, illustrated in photos, personal tweets, and memes. Overall seems to have the most negative user influence, which makes sense as anyone's tweet (positive/negative) can pop up, as suppose to other social medias where it's mostly positive if you intently search a topic.
Instagram overall has a very positive user bias towards the topic of metal music. Each post is filled with happy, positive, and supportive comments from various users.
Here's a video of me doing the performance! (if you want to listen to my voice for 4 minutes)